How to guide children without punishment?

How to guide children without punishment?

“Encourage and support your kids because children are apt to live up to what you believe of them.”

                                                                                         – Lady Bird Johnson 

A few years ago, parents used to think that scolding, punishing their children does the job of keeping them disciplined, focused, and learning. To be honest, this perception is still in the mind of the majority of Indian parents, pure facts! New-age parenting is all about inculcating a positive attitude in children using positive parenting. Children learn what they live. If you are a parent who believes in scolding your child for every minor and major mistake they make, maybe you need to pause and think about it. Scolds, punishments make children aggressive, defensive, and too moody. 

By punishing your child, taking away their privileges, locking them in a room, you are making their childhood more challenging. They would probably remember their childhood days full of tears, fears and unpleasant experiences. Are you seriously willing to make your child’s growing years so horrible? Okay, we are not saying that scolding is bad- sometimes you need to be strict to set their boundaries clear, but at the same time, being optimistic about it is very necessary. It is often said- “if we always disregard their opinion as irrelevant and unimportant, how will they ever get to learn the power of their gut feeling and natural instinct?” We are the best CBSE school in Palghar, Boisar. Most parents complain that their child does not behave well at home and seek advice for parenting. We have curated a list of tips that you can follow to guide your children without punishment. Let’s check it out.



Handle Your Emotions
As we said, children learn from what they live. You are the role model for your child. Try to control your emotions and don’t act up when upset. Relax, calm yourself and manage the situation. Your impulsive behaviour can backfire, and this can put your children under real stress. After all, who likes seeing superman in trouble, right? Do not take parenting as a burden, but you need to keep yourself poised and gentle as much as you can. 

Admonish Children Privately
Trust us; your angry child is not going to realise their mistake immediately. Let him/her calm down and give them a break. Their misbehaviour needs counselling but not promptly in public. When you yell at your child in front of people, they feel insulted. This is why you need to give them some time to understand that they have done something wrong or behaved inappropriately. The self-realisation of mistakes will make them feel guilty. They are most likely not to repeat such behaviour. When you admonish your child, be gentle and understand what he/she has to say about the incident. Sometimes, it could be a genuine problem that your child is finding challenging to tell. 

Encourage Positive Behaviour
Children are attention seekers. Why most children repeat destructive behaviours has a lot to do with the attention they get for it. As parents, we give more attention to correcting bad behaviours and mistakes than applauding children for good work and positive behaviour. This is where children understand that certain activities will draw all their attention and repeat their poor behaviour. Parents must change this! Start encouraging your child for good things, and teach your child to rectify their mistakes using gentle ways. E.g., your child may want to play extra, but you have a family gettogether. Don’t scold him/her for getting late, instead try to appreciate their behaviour by telling them that we know you wanted to play extra, but you still got ready for this party- we appreciate your efforts.

Parenting is not easy, and without punishment and anger, it may feel more challenging to most parents. Relax! You can guide your child and prepare them for life using these types of parenting tips. Not every child is the same, and so, there is no single good way of parenting. However, positive parenting is one of the most encouraging ways of keeping a balanced approach and give your child a healthy, happy and memorable childhood. We are the best secondary school in Palghar, Boisar. We strongly recommend trying these tips rather than punishing your child. After all, a happy child becomes a happy adult in future. Nurture with care and get in touch with our school for more suggestions on parenting.



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