Why encourage children to participate in Extracurricular Activities?

There is a famous proverb, “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”. Most parents & teachers want their child to study more and play less. Children in their growing years need study and play balance. Parents must understand that learning is also beyond the four walls of the classroom. A child gets great exposure outside settings. Academics are important, but your little one needs more to have a bright future. Most likely, you want to give your child the best of learning with fun. Are you wondering how to make it work out for your child? Extracurricular Activities are something that you must consider when it comes to fun learning. As the best CBSE School in Boisar, we encourage our students to participate in Extracurricular Activities. Let’s dive deep into the topic to understand it better.

What are Extracurricular Activities?
As the name suggests, extracurricular activities are the activities that are conducted apart from the scope of a regular curriculum. These are the activities in which students participate, improve their skills, and learn things, usually carrying no academic credits. When we say extracurricular activities, most people think of them as just sports. However, there are lots more. A student can participate in different sports, clubs, art forms such as dance, singing, social welfare, community services, academic competitions, leadership clubs, media activities, and more. The list of extracurricular activities is infinite.

Benefits Of Extracurricular Activities
One day your child may turn up to you asking for permission to participate in an extracurricular activity of his/her interests. Before saying a no, you must understand what wonders can extracurricular participation do for your child. Here’s a list of benefits you should check and help your child grow better, grow wiser, grow more competent.

  • Better Opportunities To Socialize
    Humans need to develop socializing skills from an early stage to gel up better in the future. Extracurricular activities help children meet new people, interact with peers, work in group settings, and more. This, in turn, enhances their communication skills, social skills and make them more confident about connecting to new people and growing their social circle when they become adults.
  • A Refreshing Break From Studies, Not Learning
    As we said, learning is beyond the four walls of the classroom as well. Extracurricular activities give students a chance to have a refreshing break from textbooks, notes and learn as they have fun. Children acquire new skills, learn new things that they could’ve never learnt via long textbook chapters. Extracurricular activities are also an excellent way to discover passion and enhance skills to pursue careers. If you are worried about your child’s increased screen time as they spend most of their day sitting in front of the TV or scrolling through your mobile, extracurricular is a must for your child.
  • Boosts Confidence & Teamwork Skills
    Various extracurricular activities such as Elocution, Debate, Public Speaking, Storytelling, Recitation, etc., involves lots of one-sided or two-sided communication. When children participate in such activities, they develop speaking skills with confidence in front of the masses, coordinate with the team, and understand. These acquired skills are very useful for their professional life. Most students who are confident perform better academically and professionally in their life.
  • Better College Opportunities
    Yes, this may surprise you, but extracurricular activities are held in high regard by prestigious colleges. Students with good academic credentials, extracurricular activity participation & accomplishments get more college admission acceptance than students with good academic but no extracurricular involvement. The difference between college acceptance and rejection criteria is quite clear!
  • Makes Children All-rounders
    Students who only focus on academics tend to score good marks. However, not having exposure to extracurricular activities can create hurdles in their personality development. In contrast, students with balanced academics and extracurricular activities acquire various skills, learn team coordination, time management, discipline, and get free time to relax their mind and remain stress-free. Indeed a perfect way to learn, play and grow!

Sanskruti World School is the best Nursery and Primary school in Boisar for students to have a well-balanced academic & extracurricular exposure. We conduct activities such as Sports, Dance, Music, Physical Education, Arts, Debate, Elocution, Story Narration, Recitation, Monologs, Fancy Dress and more. If you have grievances of your child not taking academic seriously, maybe it is time to switch to the balanced approach. Get in touch with our school for more information on extracurricular activities.  



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