Best CBSE School in Boisar_Sanskruti Vidyasankul

Manners matter- Good manners help children interact with others in a positive and respectful way. They are part of developing social and emotional skills in children. Children who have good manners find it easier to make friends, communicate effectively and build positive relationships throughout life. It is crucial that parents and teachers instil good manners in children from a young age and constantly reinforce them as the children grow. This helps them become well-rounded individuals who can easily adjust to society

.The benefits of good manners are numerous. Children with good manners: 

•Have increased self-confidence – When children greet people properly, say please and thank you, take turns and share, it boosts their self-esteem and confidence in social situations.    

• Build better relationships – Good manners help children interact positively with others and feel more connected. They learn to respect others’ feelings and boundaries.

• Are more likely to succeed – Manners and etiquette are part of the ‘soft skills’ that employers look for in candidates.  

• Are happier – Children with good social skills have healthier relationships and tend to be happier people.


At Sanskruti World School, the Best CBSE School in Boisar, Palghar, we focus on developing students’ manners and social-emotional skills through a variety of in-class and extracurricular activities. Some of the key ways we reinforce good manners in children are:

Modelling Good Behaviour – The best way to teach children manners is by modelling them ourselves as teachers and parents. Children learn by observing the behaviour of adults. We ensure all interactions with students are respectful, polite, and considerate. 

Teaching Manners Explicitly – We discuss the importance of manners like saying please and thank you, taking turns, sharing, apologizing etc. in class. We explain how using polite words and gestures can make others feel valued and respected. As the Best Primary School in Boisar, Palghar, we feel that it is our duty to expose children to such small gestures at an early age. 

Rewarding Good Manners –  We recognize and reward students who exhibit good manners through praise, certificates and incentives. This positive reinforcement encourages them to keep practising polite behaviour.

Creating Opportunities For Practice – We give students chances to practice what they learn through role plays, social stories, interactive games and social skill activities. This helps internalize good manners and turn them into lifelong habits. As the Best Secondary School in Boisar, Palghar, we ensure our students are involved in activities to practice the manners that we teach them. 

Focusing on Emotional Growth – Developing social and emotional skills goes hand in hand with teaching children good manners. We focus on building skills like self-awareness, empathy, conflict resolution and effective communication.

Involving Parents – We encourage parents to reinforce the good manners their children practice at school and at home as well. Parents play a huge role in shaping their child’s etiquette and social skills.


In conclusion, reinforcing good manners in children through school programs, positive parenting and role modelling can help instil important life skills that will enable kids to become respectful, well-adjusted adults. Good manners always remain in demand! As the Best CBSE School in Boisar, Palghar, we encourage all parents to be mindful of how they behave and interact under normal circumstances, your child is most likely to learn all these manners from the environment around them. Make sure you create a positive one which reinforces good manners and help them become a better individual!


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